Main | Tuesday, January 13, 2015

TRAILER: iZombie

Slash Film has the recap:
Based on the DC Comic of the same name, iZombie is a show about a young woman named Liv (get it?), who is holding up pretty well despite being dead. Liv works with dead bodies, and which probably helps out when she gets hungry and needs to eat some brains. And her show, based on the first iZombie trailer, looks fairly entertaining, if also pretty familiar. iZombie is the DC Comics show (well, actually drawn from a Vertigo Comics title — that imprint being a subset of DC) which has pulled less attention than other shows like Arrow and The Flash. That lesser attention is in part because this show draws on a more obscure book, and also because we hadn’t seen anything to indicate the show’s tone. Now we know: it’s like Veronica Mars, with a bit of a whiff of the undead.

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