Main | Friday, February 13, 2015

Perkins Attacks John Kerry Over Creation Of US Envoy On Global LGBT Rights

"Most people probably assumed that America already had an ambassador for homosexuality: it's called the Obama administration. But now, Secretary John Kerry wants to make it official by creating a permanent position in the State Department devoted entirely to strong-arming other countries into embracing his view of homosexuality. In another major U-turn from the Bush years, the Obama administration is adding a full-time, taxpayer-funded, openly gay diplomat to the payroll whose sole purpose will be forcing the President's radical social agenda on reluctant countries. Like Hillary Clinton before him, Kerry has turned the State Department into a satellite office of the Human Rights Campaign, where the only goal seems to be exporting homosexual extremism to a world preoccupied by far more important issues." - Hate group leader Tony Perkins, via email.

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