Main | Wednesday, April 22, 2015

AFA Launches "One Million Buttons"

Just in via email:
It is time to take a stand for Freedom of Religion! The battle against freedom of religion is escalating. There are those who want to force Christians to confine our religious freedom to the church building. Our friends on the left are working hard to make speaking against homosexuality illegal hate speech. The mayor in Houston, Texas, demanded that preachers turn over, for the city’s approval, their sermons opposing homosexuality. The Civil Rights Commission in Colorado declared a Bible verse on a cake illegal, but a pro-homosexual message legal. Religious freedom is under a vicious attack by the liberal media and the far left. Even our president criticizes Christianity and Christians while remaining silent concerning radical Muslims. Christians must make our voice heard in the culture, or in the very near future, the culture will not hear our voice at all! Here is your opportunity to lead your church in an effort to preserve our First Amendment rights. Please take a stand for Freedom of Religion! We are very close to losing it! What can one person do? One person can wear a Freedom of Religion button!
The AFA is selling 250 buttons for $150.

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