Main | Wednesday, April 22, 2015

One Million Moms Vs Taco Bell

Just in via email:
Taco Bell is following a trend in crude commercials. While a few fast food restaurants are cleaning up their ads, Taco Bell decided to air a new ad named "Flash" to advertise Chickstars. The ad shows an elderly couple eating Chickstars in their car when the woman lifts up her shirt, implying she is showing her bare chest to the man. Showing a female flashing a man during a television commercial is completely inappropriate. This act has nothing to do with the food product.

Even if the couple is supposed to be married, this ad is in poor taste. It would be something children would duplicate. Everyone knows children repeat what they see. This disgusting advertisement is airing during primetime when children are likely watching. TAKE ACTION: Please contact Taco Bell (Yum! Brands) through our website and ask the company to pull their current Chickstar "Flash" ad immediately! Also, encourage Taco Bell to be more responsible in future marketing campaigns. If Taco Bell wants our business, it must no longer air sexually explicit ads.

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