Main | Thursday, April 30, 2015

CHICAGO: Gay Aldermen Threaten To Relocate Pride Parade Over Rowdiness

Via the Chicago Tribune:
If the Pride Parade doesn’t clean up its act, 2015 might be the last year it marches through Lakeview, two North Side aldermen are warning. “If there is not a serious improvement in the parade’s impact on surrounding residents' quality of life this year, the next step is to assemble an advisory group to make recommendations for moving the parade out of the Lakeview community,” stated a joint release from Ald. Tom Tunney, Ald. James Cappleman [PHOTO] and the city’s Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events. The 2014 Pride Parade drew hundreds of thousands of attendees, and eight people were arrested for event-related activities, according to the Tribune. One was charged with criminal damage to property for allegedly jumping up and down on top of a Chicago police squad car, denting the roof. Tunney and Cappleman said that this year’s parade, which will be June 28, will be subject to stricter public safety standards, including more enforcement of laws against drinking in public. If those aren’t successful in taming paradegoers’ partying, the aldermen said, the parade could have to move.
The aldermen have not suggested a new location.

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