Main | Sunday, April 26, 2015

Face The Nation Host To Tony Perkins:
We Almost Didn't Have You On Because You Are A Known Hate Group Leader

Via Crooks & Liars:
As the nation prepares for the Supreme Court to possibly decide whether same-sex marriage is a constitutional right, it was clear on Sunday that even anti-gay crusader Tony Perkins was having difficulty being taken seriously by the mainstream media. During a discussion about marriage equality on Face the Nation, CBS host Bob Schieffer began by noting that the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) had determined that Perkins' organization, the Family Research Council, was a "hate group." "The Southern Poverty Law Center has branded the Family Research Council an anti-gay hate group," Schieffer explained as if it were a warning to his viewers. "We have been inundated by people who say we should not even let you appear because they, in their view -- quote -- you don't speak for Christians."
Perkins brushed off Shieffer's introduction and then denied that he has called for impeaching the Supreme Court. Which he just did two days ago. Watch the clip and stick around for Evan Wolfson's typically thoughtful reactions.

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