Main | Monday, April 20, 2015

New USA Today Poll On RFRA Bills

In addition to the above responses, 51% believe that it's "impractical" for the Supreme Court to rule against same-sex marriage because it's already legal in so many states. More from the poll:
Americans believe discrimination against gay men and lesbians continues to be widespread: 28% say there is "a great deal" of discrimination; another 44% say there is "some." Fifteen percent say there is "only a little," and 9% see none at all. And an overwhelming 76% oppose revoking a church's tax-exempt status if it doesn't recognize same-sex marriages. Even among those who favor gay marriage, only one in five would support such a move. But some bitter divisions remain as those on opposite sides of the issue view one another. In the poll, 35% of those opposed to same-sex marriage say they wouldn't respect someone who supported it. And 25% of those who favor same-sex marriage say they wouldn't respect someone who opposed it. The issue is sure to flare during the 2016 presidential campaign.

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