Main | Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Today's FRC Marriage Fast Prayer

As the Family Research Council's 21-day fast against same-sex marriage enters its second week, today they ask their followers to pray that Supreme Court staffers be overcome by the holy spirit and convince the justices to actually read the FRC's amicus brief.
Lord, we know that the Justices will read very few of these cases directly, rather they will read a few, based upon the recommendations of their staffs. Please send you Holy Spirit to guide each staff lawyers, clerk and assistant. May they be moved profoundly by the briefs supporting marriage. May they highlight the most salient and compelling pro-marriage arguments to deliver to their bosses. May the Justices read all of the best pro-marriage briefs themselves, and may the Lord burn the principles of the most compelling arguments deeply into the Justice’s minds and spirits. May they be so compelling as to change the minds of those bent toward same-sex “marriage.” Lord move upon the mainstream media to read some of the compelling pro-marriage arguments and may the take a right turn in their reporting, giving time to these arguments, rather than serving to promote every left-wing cause and especially the homosexual agenda like they seem to do. May the those in the general public be moved, more and more, to support what God has given to us in marriage between a man and a woman, one of His most wonderful gifts to mankind.
The FRC's brief is here.

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