Main | Monday, May 04, 2015

GoFundMe For Florida Enemy Of Satan

Remember the woman who tore down the Satanic Temple's holiday display at the Florida Capitol Building? Even though charges against her were dropped, she claims she lost her job and her home over the incident. Therefore send her money because Jesus.
My name is Susan Hemeryck, and I was arrested in Tallahassee, Florida on December 23, 2014 for standing against Satan when he tried to stake his claim on Christmas and in our State Capitol. His followers, members of The Satanic Temple, attacked Christianity and desecrated our holy celebration of Christ's birth by placing a "grossly offensive" satanic display in the same spot where the Nativity had been removed just hours earlier. Children coming to the Capitol on Christmas Eve hoping see baby Jesus saw only Satan instead. The Satanic Temple is also trying to place satanic books in Florida public schools and a life-size statue of Satan in Oklahoma. I lost my home and my job because I took a stand against this evil, and I need a little help with personal living expenses. I also have a wonderful attorney, Michael Bauer, who has stood by me through all of this, and we need your help in taking the next step in our efforts to legally keep Satan out of our Capitols and out of our schools. Won't you please help us to stand firm and hold the line against Satan? By the grace of God, and with your prayers and support, let's cast Satan out of America and back where he belongs!
The fundraiser is being promoted by gay death penalty advocate and BarbWire columnist Theodore Shoebat.

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