Main | Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Hate Group Leader Austin Ruse: Send Me Money Because JMG Is Reading Your Mail

In a money beg issued today by C-FAM leader and Breitbart columnist Austin Ruse, he asks his followers to "give as much as you can" because "sexual weirdoes" [sic] like yours truly are reading their mail.
Subject Line: The Sexual Weirdoes are Reading Your Mail! Dear Friend of the Friday Fax, Right this second the sexually crazed boys and girls at places like Media Matters, Right Wing Watch, Joe.My.God, Southern Poverty Law Center, Human Rights Watch, the Center for Reproductive Rights, and RH Reality Check are reading these words. They monitor every word we write. They monitor everything we say, too. Why do they do this? Because they know we are a real threat to their agenda to impose their crazed sexual ideas on the rest of the world. They shake in their boots because they know the reach and powerful effect of C-Fam and the Friday Fax. This is why they have tried to shut us down. This is why they have tried to shame us from the public square. This is why they call us names and would really like to see us jailed (a UN apparatchik actually said that not many years ago). The thing is, the brave staff of C-Fam and the Friday Fax don’t care! The crazed sexual revolutionaries cannot touch us and it drives them nuts. The only thing that can stop us is money. Yep. Filthy lucre. We cannot do this work without it. We cannot be a thorn in their side without it. We cannot block their agenda without it.
As noted in the above-linked Right Wing Watch report, by "your mail" Ruse means his weekly public subscription email blast, which I actually don't happen to subscribe to. Until today. Heh.

RELATED: Over on Breitbart, Ruse today is screaming that the "Big Gay Hate Machine" (my next band name) is gunning for Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone.

PREVIOUSLY ON JMG: Austin Ruse was fired by the American Family Association last year after a guest-hosting spot on their radio network during which he declared that liberal university officials "should all be taken out and shot." Ruse also claims that a Vatican priest once offered him absolution if he were to murder Hillary Clinton. Ruse is the head of C-FAM, the Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute, which is a member of the World Congress of Families, the coalition working with NOM and others to export anti-gay hatred to foreign counties. During a speech at CPAC 2012, Ruse denounced the United Nations for issuing a resolution against the gay death penalty. Ruse is married to FRC "senior fellow" Cathy Ruse.

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