Main | Wednesday, May 13, 2015

ILLINOIS: Nation's First LGBT Veterans Monument To Be Unveiled Near Chicago

On Memorial Day the nation's first-ever federally approved monument to LGBT veterans will be unveiled at the Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery near Chicago. Via the Windy City Times:
The monument, which was spearheaded by Stanley J. Jenczyk, junior board member of the Chicago chapter of the American Veteran's for Equal Rights ( AVER ), was approved late last year by Robert E. Walters, the Department of Veterans Affairs Acting Undersecretary of Memorial Affairs. The ceremony will take place at 2 p.m. along and within the Memorial Walkway and will feature music by the Windy City Gay Chorus; blessings from Rabbi Cindy Enger, Fr. Chris Myers and Rev. Wayne Bradley; remarks from elected officials including Rep. Robin Kelly ( whose district includes the cemetery ), and a Flag Line led by members of Organized Chaos Chicago ( OCC ), some of whom are active duty or veterans of the military.
Above is a rendering created by artist Tod Tatsui.

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