Main | Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Texas AG Ken Paxton Refuses To Say If His State Will Defy SCOTUS On Marriage

Via Raw Story:
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton suggested on Wednesday that a bill that would prevent county clerks from issuing or recognizing same-sex marriage licenses was reaffirming the will of the voters of the state. “We passed a constitutional amendment [banning same-sex marriage] in 2005, it was overwhelmingly approved by the voters,” Paxton told CNN host Alisyn Camerota. “That’s our background here.” “My job as attorney general and the job of the Legislature is to really follow the will of the people and enforce the laws that we have,” he remarked. “This is both in statute and in our constitution. So, that’s my job, and that’s the job of the Legislature.” But the attorney general was not willing to say that the state would follow the Supreme Court if it decided to rule in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage later this year.
The Texas House has until midnight tomorrow to approve HB4105 unless the governor calls them back for a special session. Watch the full clip but pay close attention starting at the 2:45 mark when Paxton takes a long pause and then refuses to answer a direct question as to whether his state will defy SCOTUS.

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