Main | Monday, May 04, 2015

Viral Video Of The Day

Via the Sun Times:
The good news for one city councilman in Georgetown, Texas: Few people were in attendance at a meeting last week when he excused himself to go to the bathroom and left his microphone on, broadcasting his experience to the council chamber. The bad news: Hundreds of thousands of people have seen and heard what he did, thanks to a video of the council meeting. Even worse news: Based on the time between him flushing the toilet and how he returned only seconds later, it appears he didn’t wash his hands. The whole thing went down while Mayor Pro Tem Rachael Jonrowe was speaking about infectious diseases — and we all know how important basic hand washing is in preventing the spread of germs in general. Apparently this councilman missed the memo.
Over 1.8 million views already.

(Tipped by JMG reader Scott)

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