Main | Thursday, June 25, 2015

Linda Harvey: All Those Rainbow Flags Must Be Removed Because Jesus

"It’s time to lower the rainbow flag everywhere. God created the rainbow as a sign of hope (Genesis 9:12-17). But homosexual political operatives have captured this symbol as an unauthorized expression of 'pride.' Well, rainbows accompanying this depravity are as unfitting as the term 'gay,' and it’s time for Christians to demand recognition of the offense involved and a permanent retraction. Proud homosexuals don’t love God. They take pride in disobedience. Therefore, these rebels have no right to the rainbow, period. So, let’s demand that no more rainbow flags fly above our federal agencies. No more hateful colors on our embassies, or on the Pentagon website. And it’s time for retailers with a conscience to stop selling rainbow- adorned 'gay' merchandise and show respect and sensitivity to the outcry of concerned families and parents. Homosexuality needs to be seen for what it is: a grave sin, a depraved lifestyle, and an oppressive threat to truth, liberty, family and faith. And so, the theft of the rainbow needs to be confronted and it needs to end. No more rainbow flags, America!" - Linda Harvey, defending the Confederate flag for Barbwire.

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