Main | Friday, June 05, 2015

MINNESOTA: St. Paul Prosecutors Charge Archdiocese In Sex Abuse Cover-Up

Via the St. Paul Pioneer Press:
Ramsey County attorney John Choi said Friday that a 20-month investigation has led to criminal charges against the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis for "failing to protect children." Choi cited the case of Curtis Wehmeyer, a priest convicted of molesting two boys. "It is not only Curtis Wehmeyer who is criminally responsible for the harm caused, but it is the archdiocese as well," he said. Choi called the archdiocese program to monitor problem priests "a sham." "We were falsely led to believe that the leadership structure of the Archdiocese had an effective program in place" to monitor priests, he said. Choi said six gross misdemeanor charges have been filed against the archdiocese, but not against any individuals.
Misdemeanor charges against no individuals?

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