Main | Thursday, June 25, 2015

Robyn - Love Is Free

Pitchfork raves:
Pop has been playing house again for a couple of years now, but few acts have tapped the genre's origins in sexual, social liberation as well as Robyn, Jägerstedt, and Falk do here. In brisk, unrelenting rotation, every element of the track gets a moment in the spotlight and dictates its own individual physical response: the shimmy of the forks Falk tinged against glasses in the studio; the way a ravey siren wriggles like someone doing the worm; the sinewy, thrusting bass. It's completely irresistible—the sound of summer 2015, if there's any justice—and vindicates the maxim Funkadelic laid down almost 50 years ago: free your mind, and your ass will follow.

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