Main | Wednesday, June 24, 2015

UTAH: Gay Lawmaker Claims AG Is Prepping To End Same-Sex Marriages

Openly gay Utah state Sen. Jim Dabakis has posted a Facebook message in which he claims to have insider knowledge that the Supreme Court ruling on marriage will come tomorrow or Friday. Dabakis goes on to declare that the Utah attorney general already has a legal team preparing to suspend same-sex marriages should the ruling go against us. The latter claim has AG Sean Reyes fuming:
“Senator Dabakis’ comments are irresponsible and not grounded in any fact. Our office is not preparing any litigation to undo marriages and the Attorney General has not made any statements guaranteeing or predicting a win for the states on the issue,” Reyes said in an emailed statement to FOX 13. “Our office has carefully and conscientiously approached the marriage issue during the entire legal process with the respect and dignity it deserves. It is too bad the Senator continues to try to incite fear and use hate mongering on an issue so important to many people.” “Hiding behind the device of a rumor from a ‘guy who should know,’ the Senator could have easily called our office in a minute to find out the truth. Clearly, he chose not to so he could generate anxiety and conjure doubts among those who believe, or may be led to believe, our office bears any ill will towards them. We most certainly do not.”
Dabakis has responded on Facebook: "On my blog, I told the truth. The Attorney General takes offense. Sorry you're offended by my post. Imagine, Mr AG, how offensive it is to thousands of Utah LGBT families--you trying to break them apart. Sorry your sore--but imagine the pain created if you get your way. Loads of happy Utah youngsters with same sex parents--children that will be, suddenly, legal strangers with one of their own parents. Imagine that pain."

RELATED: In April, Dabakis announced his intent to run for mayor of Salt Lake City. Dabakis, who is the co-founder of Equality Utah and the Utah Pride Center, married his husband in 2013 on the day that same-sex marriage became legal there. The ceremony was officiated by current Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker, a Democrat, who has already announced his plan to run for a third term. Dabakis is Utah's only openly gay state lawmaker.

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