Failing to reciprocate the love offered last week by
Newsday's bizarre declaration that Rudy Giuliani is the presidential candidate with the best track record on gay rights, "America's Mayor" is now backing away from his previous support for gay civil unions. Now, campaign staffers are
telling the Boston Globe that Giuliani feels New Hampshire's civil union law "goes too far" because "it is the
equivalent of
marriage." Empire State Pride Agenda head Joe
Tarver says he is "disappointed" and that backing away from civil unions is "pretty
Tarver said: "It's quite obvious he's playing to the people whose votes he needs to get the Republican nomination."
Scumbag. Two-faced. Enemy of the people. And our second nominee for
Asshat Of The Year. Move over, Mayor
Naugle, there's another mayor on the
Labels: 2008 elections, civil unions, gay marriage, Rudy Giuliani