Poll: Obama With 46 Pt. Lead Among Gays

Among LGBT adults, 60 percent favor Obama while 14 percent favor McCain. Three percent of LGBT adults favor Barr, while 1 percent choose Nader. Six percent choose "other," while 17 percent of all LGBT voters are not yet sure which candidate to support -- comparable to the general population.
Among independents, Obama has a 12-point lead (38 percent to 26 percent), but one-quarter of independents are not sure, 4 percent would vote for Bob Barr and 3 percent for Ralph Nader. The findings also show that 90 percent of African-Americans are voting for Obama, as are six in 10 Latinos. Whites, however, are leaning towards McCain over Obama (40 percent versus 34 percent). The results of this Harris Poll were complied from 2,690 U.S. adults surveyed online July 3-11 by Harris Interactive.
Labels: 2008 elections, Barack Obama, polls