Today In Deadly Products...

It's the perfect accessory for the BlackBerry-meets-Bugaboo crowd. A gizmo called Texthook lets parents strap phones to the bars of their strollers so they can text and e-mail without missing a step. The company that makes them said about 100 of the $30 devices have been bought since they went on sale last week. Some parents out with their tots Tuesday worried that it was a hazard - to other pedestrians and to Junior being pushed down the street. "It is a stupid idea," said Aniya Wolanska, 35, pushing her infant daughter on Skillman Ave. in Sunnyside, Queens. "Too many people spend too much time texting. It's crazy. You should watch your kid. Not your phone." Tribeca lawyer Christine Magdo, 36, agreed. "We don't need to encourage texting while pushing the stroller," she said as she strollered with her 18-month-old son on Greenwich St. The Texthook box features a warning that tells buyers that "using your phone to talk/text/e-mail while in motion can result in injury."OMG! A truck just hit my baby! SEND
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