Teabagger Rep. Randy Hultgren Attempts To Revive Abstinence Education Funding

Valerie Huber, Executive Director of the National Abstinence Education Association (NAEA) based in Washington, D.C., said in a press release, “Since President Obama chose to eliminate all funding for abstinence education, this bill is a welcome sign that sexual risk avoidance can once again be the primary prevention message that youth will receive in classrooms across America.” She continued, urging other Members of Congress to co-sponsor this bill, “NAEA applauds the leadership of Rep. Hultgren who has taken legislative action to support these positive trends in the healthy decisions teens are making … We encourage other Members of Congress to co-sponsor the Abstinence Education Reallocation Act of 2011 and urge the House to quickly approve the federal sex education policy change called for in this bill.”Numerous studies have proven that abstinence education usually results in higher rates of STDs and teen pregnancy.
Labels: abstinence education, Congress, teabaggers