"Ex-Gay" Douchebag Greg Quinlan Demands Apology From NJ Lawmakers

"To date there is zero evidence that anyone is born a homosexual, zero. In fact it's homosexual researchers and scientists that are proving that homosexuality is not innate and had no biological ideology. Homosexuality is not immutable. There are many ex-gays; Anne Heche, to name one, Sinead O'Connor and myself. I left the homosexual lifestyle almost 20 years ago. Lived as a homosexual activist for 10 years of my life." - PFOX head Greg Quinlan, speaking at yesterday's marriage hearing before the New Jersey Assembly. (Via On Top Magazine)
Labels: "ex-gay", brainwashing, con men, douchenozzles, frauds, Greg Quinlan, New Jersey, PFOX, scam artists, still totally gay