Main | Thursday, November 29, 2012

Liberty Counsel Expects A Ruling Tomorrow On Bid To Block California's "Ex-Gay" Therapy Ban

The Liberty Counsel today announced that they expect a ruling tomorrow on their bid to thwart California's just-approved ban on the "ex-gay" torture and brainwashing of children. Their suit was filed on behalf of NARTH, whose co-founder George Rekers was recently exposed for hiring a lithe young male prostitute for a two-week European vacation. In today's clip, Mat Staver and Matt Barber claim that California's ban will prevent the treatment of the victims of pedophiles like Jerry Sandusky.

As he so often does, at 6:50 in the clip Matt Barber blatantly lies about the APA's position on so-called "reparative therapy." Here's what a spokeman for the APA said just yesterday about the SPLC's suit against a New Jersey "ex-gay" group:
"APA has raised concerns about the potential harm done by trying to change a person's sexual orientation. Anecdotal reports of harm include worsening of depression, anxiety, and even suicidal ideation—not to mention individuals entering into heterosexual marriages with the unrealized hope that these would lead to conversion. Unfortunately, many of the individuals, like the defendants named in this lawsuit, are unlicensed and not subject to professional regulation or censure. Hopefully, if the plaintiffs' suit is successful, it will have a chilling effect on the proliferation of unlicensed individuals offering false hope to unhappy individuals struggling with their sexual identities."

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