Michigan Marriage Trial: Day One
The Detroit News has recapped today's start of the federal trial to overturn Michigan's ban on same-sex marriage. First, the good guys:
Research shows a wide variety in how men and woman parent, but their gender is irrelevant to child outcomes, an expert testified Tuesday in a federal court trial challenging Michigan’s ban on same-sex marriage and adoption law. “Both men and women do the same kinds of things. They can engage in the same kind of behavior,” psychologist David Brodzinksy testified in U.S District Court on Tuesday. “It’s not the gender of the parents that matters, it’s the quality of the care.” Brodzinsky, an expert in adoption, foster care and same-sex parenting, said children of gay and lesbians show no discernible difference in outcome and general characteristics compared with children of heterosexual couples. “Moms and dads are important as parents. They are not important as males and females,” he said.And from the bad guys:
Assistant Attorney General Kristin Heyse defended the state’s ban on same-sex marriage and adoption, saying this case is about the will of the people, the 2.7 million Michigan voters who defined marriage as between a man and a woman. “They have decided that children should be raised by a mom and a dad. That decision must govern,” Heyse said. Heyse said it was rational for the people of the state to define marriage that way because “that is the only union that can actually produce children.”There's been no ruling yet on the plaintiffs' motion to bar testimony from discredited researcher Mark Regnerus. The judge has said that he will rule on each witness as they are called.
UPDATE: Jeremy Hooper points out this sign seen outside the courthouse today.
Labels: Christianists, gay adoption, gay families, gay parenting, LGBT rights, Mark Regnerus, marriage equality, Michigan, religion