Author Of Texas GOP "Ex-Gay" Plank Was Member Of Log Cabin Republicans
Via Lone Star Q:
According to Rob Schlein, former president of Log Cabin Republicans of Dallas, Schwab was a member of the group before becoming ex-gay. “He was in LCR for a time and even attended a party at my house with boyfriend,” Schlein wrote. Log Cabin Republican is one of the groups that fought the reparative therapy plank. Schwab claims he became ex-gay in 2009. However, in comments on the blog of former ex-gay leader Warren Throckmorton, Schwab admitted to having gay sex more than a year later."Shocking, huh?
RELATED: In October 2011 the Log Cabin Republicans dissolved their Dallas chapter after its president, the above-quoted Rob Schlein, appeared on Michelangelo Signorile's radio show where he declared that businesses should have the right to fire people for being black
"Texas is a right-to-work state. So as an employer, which I am, I can fire anybody at will," Schlein claimed. "You cannot fire somebody for being African-American," Signorile objected. "Well, I wouldn’t tell them," Schlein said. "You wouldn’t tell them, but you’d do it anyway?" Signorile asked. "I’d find a reason if I wanted to fire them," Schlein said, defending discrimination against black people while trying to prove an anti-discrimination law would make no difference to LGBT people.Schlein went on to write a editorial backing Rick Perry for president. In April 2012, Schlein and the former members of the LCR Dallas chapter elected to formally affiliate with the now-defunct GOProud, which welcomed them without comment about the racism scandal.
Labels: Christianists, Dallas, ex-gay, GOP, homocons, Jeremy Schwab, Log Cabin Republicans, religion, still totally gay, Texas