Main | Sunday, May 28, 2006

Pat Robertson Found With Pants On Fire

Sports journalists are calling bullshit on televangelist Pat Robertson's claim to be able to leg-press 2000 pounds. CBS Sportsline columnist Clay Travis says: "There is no way on earth Robertson leg presses 2,000 pounds. That would mean a 76-year-old man broke the all-time Florida State University leg press record by 665 pounds over Dan Kendra. 665 pounds. Further, when he set the record, they had to modify the leg press machine to fit 1,335 pounds of weight. Plus, Kendra's capillaries in his eyes burst. Burst. Where in the world did Robertson even find a machine that could hold 2,000 pounds at one time? And how does he still have vision?"

Pat Robertson, blinded. Now THAT would be some biblical retribution.
