Main | Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The S Is For Super

The little train that could, midtown's S train shuttles between Times Square and Grand Central, delivering in one minute, those too tired or lazy to walk the 0.8 mile distance on 42nd Street above, as well as providing a connection between the lines that run up the east and west sides of Manhattan. Think of the S as the middle part of a capital H. There is a driver on each end of the three-car trains, which merely run back and forth all day on three separate parallel tracks, the shortest line in NYC.

I love the ferocious Queens accent the announcer has on the Times Square end, "Da nexx train arroives on Track Foh-ah." There is no Track Three, by the way. The S train only runs until midnight, after which it is often used by movie crews. Trivia for NY'ers: the Manhattan S train is also the 8 train, in case you wondered why there was no 8. But maybe you don't, now that there's no 9 train anymore.

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