Main | Tuesday, February 27, 2007

JMG Sells Out!

Gentle readers, as my traffic has grown and the advertising requests have increased, I must report that I can no longer look away from blog advertising. I've been accepted into a couple of the major blog ad networks and will be adding some ads in the next week or so.

I will do my best to make the transition not-so-jarring. I'm also looking into reworking the template, which has been the same since JMG launched in the spring of 2004. Hopefully by the 3rd anniversary of JMG, we'll have a nice new look. Any suggestions are very, very welcome. I'm also considering adding discussion forums, as some readers have complained that my comment volume is off-putting. I'm not sure on that one. I happen to love that y'all are so chatty, we're pushing 40,000 comments since I added Haloscan in the second year!

I know that readers will have different views, some positive and some negative, about ads on JMG. I am eager to hear what you think about my use of ads and about any changes that I make to this here website thingy. To those advertisers who reached out to me previously, please feel free to contact me again. All except the liopsuction doctor. Not that's there's anything wrong with that.

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