Main | Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Haggard's Web Of Lies Unravels

The head of the halfway house that Ted Haggard claims to be moving into says he had no knowledge of Haggard's plan, saying of Haggard's email plea to former parishioners, "That was something that was totally unbeknownst to us when he sent it." Additionally, the registered sex offender that runs the charity that Haggard requested donations be sent to, Paul Huberty of Families With A Mission, says that Haggard acted on his own.

Monday, Paul Huberty wrote to the Colorado Springs Gazette, saying, "Our non-profit organization never authorized a mass public appeal for donations for the Haggard family, nor were we even aware of it until published by the media. Not one donation has been solicited by our non-profit organization designated to or supporting the Haggard family — and our organization has not sent any solicited financial support to Pastor Haggard."

According to the Gazette, Huberty spent six months in military prison after being convicted in 1996 of "consensual sodomy, fondling his genitals in public, indecent acts and adultery." The charges involved a 17 year-old girl in Huberty's care. In 2004, Huberty was convicted of sexual assault in Hawaii, where he is now a registered sex offender. His sentence stipulates that he not contact minors over the internet or visit schools.

Man, the Rev can't catch a break. Even the pervs don't got his back.

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