Looney Tunes

In the B.A.R. interview, Karr still brags that he murdered Jon-Benet, claiming to have buried a "Gothic box" with the dead child's panties inside and that if found, the box would result in his re-arrest. Police and psychiatrists believe that Karr is a mentally unstable publicity-seeker. (No shit, really?) Sexologist Carol Queen says the news of Karr's MTF plan could reinforce public perception that transsexuals are "deceivers".
Karr says he no longer plans to become a woman and is living in Atlanta with his 23 year-old fiance' and her 3 year-old daughter, whom his fiance' "completely trusts" him to be around. After all, the DNA didn't match AND the kiddie porn charges were dropped when the cops lost his computer. So what if he still says he did it? Bad boys are hot.
Labels: get the net, John Mark Karr, San Francisco