SF Ramps Up Weddings Schedule In Fear Of Prop 8 Passage
Beginning tomorrow San Francisco will keep the marriage license bureau at City Hall open for two extra hours daily as worried gay couples rush to wed in advance of the vote on Prop 8.
The number of same-sex weddings at City Hall had been steadily dropping since gay and lesbian marriages first became legal May 15. In recent weeks that has changed, with 1,208 same-sex couples signing up for license appointments through the end of October. By comparison, in all of September there were 941 license appointments. Much of the rush appears to be prompted by state Attorney General Jerry Brown's assertion that even if Prop. 8 passes, same-sex marriages performed before the election would still be valid. Anti-gay-marriage forces, however, could still go to court and challenge that.
Labels: "celibacy", marriage equality, Proposition 8, San Francisco