Main | Monday, April 13, 2009

UK: Catholic Adoption Agencies Break From Church To Comply With Pro-Gay Laws

Five of the largest adoption agencies in the UK have broken their official ties to the Catholic Church in order to comply with gay rights laws and continue to receive government funding. The situation has caused an outcry in American religious circles as an example of religious persecution headed for American shores.
Five agencies have declared themselves independent - and some have changed their names - to comply with laws that say they must allow homosexual couples to adopt children. The retreat ends decades in which the adoption charities have worked in the name of the Catholic Church with support from dioceses, clergy and congregations. The decision to end the formal connection with the Church follows a deadline set by the Government for charities to comply with the 2007 Sexual Orientation Regulations. These laid down that no organisation or company may discriminate against gays. As a result the adoption agencies were torn between loyalty to Catholic teaching, which forbids any recognition of homosexual partnerships, and the law. The departure of the charities from the fold of the Church comes at a time of increasing concern among both Catholic and Anglican leaders over growing state intolerance of Christianity.
No, it's not intolerance. It's "Don't expect the government to pay you to discriminate."

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