Main | Saturday, May 23, 2009

RNC: Nancy Pelosi = Pussy Galore

The Republican National Committee goes after Nancy Pelosi with this clip featuring split-screens of the James Bond Goldfinger character Pussy Galore.

Politics Daily reacts:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi can sit back and enjoy her Memorial Day picnic basket after all, because the Republican National Committee has thoughtfully provided her with a pre-holiday gift-pack in the form of a video so sexist that – no joke – it compared her to the Bond movie bad-girl Pussy Galore. (Pelosi Galore, get it? What will these kidders think of next?) Take the next coupla days off, Madam Speaker. Because ill-advised as it was, claiming you hadn't heard jack about waterboarding -- well, this classic and classless bit of woman-hating is just the diversion you were no doubt praying for. As the Washington Post reported earlier this week, the RNC posted a YouTube video, "Pelosi versus the CIA,'' that used the theme music from the 1964 Bond movie "Goldfinger" in which Bond, James Bond, goes up against, ahem, the criminal mastermind (and lesbian!) Pussy Galore.

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