Main | Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Review: Trippin' On The Moon

Sunday night's Trippin' On The Moon - Saint reunion party was quite simply the best fucking night out I have had in at least a year. Maybe two. Maybe three. Dr. Jeff and I arrived at 8pm to find the venue already crowded and the steam never let up until we shut the place down at 3:30am. DJs Michael Fierman and Robbie Leslie gave us the full Saint journey - a soulful build-up, a joyous high-energy peak, and a lovely, lovely extended downtrip, complete with just about every Saint classic an old disco dog like me could think of. The sound system was pitch-perfect, clear, strong - but not too loud.

Dr. Jeff initially felt out of place in a sea of graying temples, but I reminded him how I feel dealing with the emo kids at the bars he takes me to. And our 23 year-old mascot Little Nick was a delight to watch as he furiously typed song titles into his phone for future downloads. Those who were there, please enter your set lists in the comments, I'll do the same when I get a moment. BIG thanks to event producer Christina Visca for a completely perfect evening. Christina promises another Saint reunion "within a few months." Judging by the response to Sunday's party, it will be an immediate sell-out. Full-screen versions of the above photos are here. Below are two short clips of the scene on the dance floor. I've annotated the songs being played.

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