Prayer Breakfast Fallout: Christian Group Defends Uganda's "Kill Gays" Bill

Cliff Kincaid, president of America's Survival, Inc., and editor of Accuracy in Media, says the legislation is designed to save lives by discouraging homosexual practices which spread disease and death. "The purpose is completely at variance with what the U.S. media have reported," he said. "It is not a 'Kill the Gays' bill. Rather, it is designed to kill the disease that some homosexuals spread through their reckless and irresponsible conduct and lifestyle." [snip] Kincaid said that Clinton, in her National Prayer Breakfast remarks condemning the legislation, failed to disclose that Ugandan President Museveni had told her that he had received reports that foreign homosexuals have been targeting Ugandan children for sexual abuse. The State Department is supposed to be against sex trafficking, Kincaid said. Yet, Kincaid said it is threatening to cut-off foreign aid if the nation doesn't bend over to the demands of the homosexual lobby. "If our media were accurately reporting this story," he said, "reporters would be questioning why the Obama Administration is interfering with Uganda's right of self-determination and desire to be free of the sexual immorality that has already engulfed the U.S."Kincaid's repulsive newsletter is here.
Labels: bigotry, Cliff Kincaid, liars, National Prayer Breakfast, religion, Uganda