Main | Thursday, June 03, 2010

Christian Group Lashes Out At McDonald's Over Gay Ad In France

Ten days ago I showed you a gay-positive McDonald's ad from France. Since then the clip has gotten over 1M views on YouTube and has been featured in the mainstream media. And right on cue, American wingnuts are screaming.
"We see McDonald's decision to backhand hundreds of millions of traditional family values people," Bill Johnson, President of the American Decency Association, told LifeSiteNews, "and align themselves with promoting the godless behavior of a few." This is not McDonald's first homosexualist activism. In 2008, McDonalds paid $20,000 dollars to become an official "organizational ally and corporate partner" of the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC). In the same year, McDonald's also helped sponsor the San Francisco Gay Pride Parade; Richard Ellis, vice president of communications for McDonald's USA, was also appointed to the board of directors of the NGLCC.

Yet because of a boycott started by the American Family Association on July 3rd of that year, Richard Ellis left the board of the NGLCC and McDonald's said that it did not plan to renew its membership with the NGLCC. Bill Johnson called the new television spot "one of the most bewildering kinds of advertisements when you consider the fact that so many Americans across this country have done business with McDonald's."
The American Decency Association is suggesting a phone campaign of complaints to McDonald's U.S. headquarters. Go here if you'd like to offer praise instead.

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