Keep Out Kagan Day
A right-wing student group called Young America's Foundation has named today "Keep Out Kagan Day" in their phone campaign to prevent the Supreme Court appointment of Elena Kagan because of her opposition to DADT while dean of Harvard Law School.
Evan Gassman, a spokesman for YAF, explains there are a multitude of reasons why these groups are fighting this nomination. Among them are Kagan's efforts to punish military recruiters because of the law banning homosexuals from military service. "As dean of the Harvard Law School, she prevented students from meeting with military recruiters," Gassman reports. "She signed an amicus brief that opposed the Solomon Amendment, an amendment defending students' rights to get organized with ROTC." And the conservative spokesman insists that Kagan's confirmation is hardly a foregone conclusion. "When she was confirmed to be solicitor general, 31 senators voted against her," he explains. "So it's very realistic to say that we can get enough senators to vote 'no' on her, given that this Supreme Court nomination is a lifetime seat."Today's phone campaign is demanding that Senators filibuster against Kagan's approval.
Labels: DADT, filibusters, Senate, Supreme Court, wingnuts