Main | Monday, July 12, 2010

BRITAIN: New Government Refuses To Lift Travel Ban On Michael Savage

Britain's new government is refusing to lift its predecessor's travel ban for American radio blowhard Michael Savage unless he "repudiates" his previous inflammatory statements about Muslims and other groups. Savage whines to World Net Daily:
Savage today called his ordeal a "true nightmare of Kafka." "The 'new' British government continues 'the big lie' initiated by the previous British government, all based on extracts of radio programs over many years edited by Soros-backed Media Matters to slander me," he told WND. Savage said that after "over one straight year of legal hell, I had hoped the new British government would remove my name from their list of actual murderers and terrorists." "Apparently there's been a change of window figures in England," he said. Savage said his next course of action will be to take his case before the European Court of Human Rights. "The European Union seems to be very forgiving of those who have actually murdered people in terror acts," Savage said. "Let's see if they will defend my right to free speech."
Other Americans on the UK's banned list are a former KKK leader and Fred Phelps.

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