Main | Friday, July 02, 2010

PhoboQuotable - Mike Adams

"I can’t stand atheists. And I plan to do something about them. Thankfully, the U.S. Supreme Court has given me a powerful tool to use in my war against the godless. Earlier this week, the Court ruled that a public university may require all student organizations to admit any student as a voting member or officer. The decision applies even to a student who is openly hostile to the group's fundamental beliefs.

"So, when I get back to the secular university in August, I plan to round up the students I know who are most hostile to atheism. Then I’m going to get them to help me find atheist-haters willing to join atheist student groups across the South. I plan to use my young fundamentalist Christian warriors to undermine the mission of every group that disagrees with me on the existence of God. If they don’t like it they can go to hell. That’s where they’re eventually going anyway - Townhall columnist Mike Adams, reacting to the Supreme Court's ruling that California universities do not have to fund or recognize Christian student groups that ban gay students.

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