Main | Friday, July 02, 2010

Porn Shaming

If you are found viewing porn on the computers at public libraries in Quincy, Massachusetts, City Councilman Daniel Raymondi wants to shame you by publishing your name in the local newspaper. Via the American Family Association's OneNewsNow:
"We have valuable taxpayer resources, in my judgment, being abused by people who violate a library policy against visiting pornographic sites, and this is no accident," he reports. Daniel RaymondiHe further notes his concern that women, children, and other passers-by might be offended by the practice, so he wants to publish the names of policy violators in the local newspaper as a way of shaming them into stopping. That list, he says, would include people who have violated the policy on more than one occasion but have refused to stop, even after receiving a number of warnings.
Raymondi says he's not worried about libel or slander suits that may arise from his plan.

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