Main | Friday, September 03, 2010

Hillary 2012 Ad

The below clip began running on New Orleans television this week.
A Chicago dentist has launched the 2012 presidential campaign a smidge early by running a pro-Hillary ad on television, reports CNN. The 30-second spot, paid for by William DeJean, says Clinton has "more experience working in and with the White House than most living presidents" and is "one of the most admired women" in America's history. "Let's make sure the president we should have elected in 2008 will be on the ballot in 2012," it says. The $5,000 advertisement has run in New Orleans and may soon hit Washington, New York, and Los Angeles, notes CNN. Clinton, who has said she won't run for president, has not commented on the science fiction-esque spot. As for why DeJean aired it so early, perhaps the ad's final lines are a clue: "Start Now. Where there's a Hill there's a way."

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