Main | Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fox News Rejects DADT Repeal Ad

Raw Story reports that Fox News has rejected a Palm Center ad advocating for the repeal of DADT. Not surprising.
The 30-second spot by the Center, called "Business As Usual," includes testimony from military leaders of NATO allies arguing that lifting the ban on gay soldiers is a "non-event" and does not diminish combat effectiveness. "Fox's 'reason' was that the policy is 'on hold' so plans for repeal are 'incorrect'," Cathy Renna, a spokeswoman for the Center, told Raw Story. The ad includes testimony from Major General (now Lieutenant General) Walter Semianiw, Chief of Military Personnel in the Canadian Forces, and Major General Simon Willis (retired), former Head of Defence Personnel in the Australian Defence.

"There is no negative impact of having men and women of any sexual orientation fighting together," says Semianiw in the ad. Adds Willis, comparing the lifting of the ban to Y2K: "It was a non-event, and it continues to be a non-event." "I am surprised that Fox News would reject an ad featuring allied Generals, given that both host Bill O'Reilly and guest contributor Liz Cheney have expressed support for open gay service," said Aaron Belkin, director of the Center. "This is an important time for input from all sides on this issue, and I hope Fox will reconsider."
According to the above-linked story, the Palm Center plans to run the ad (below) on other networks.

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