SOUTH CAROLINA: Teabaggers Ramp Up Calls For Secession From United States

Currently, South Carolina and her people are controlled by the federal government of the United States, which is controlled by the votes of the citizens in a few select populous states. California, New York, Massachusetts, and a few others decide who makes the laws that rule over us, and our votes are simply outnumbered and meaningless. (It is still up to debate as to whether any of the votes of the people in those states even matter, given the ongoing state of corruption in Washington, D.C.) We believe this is a fundamental violation of our right to self-determination and self-government, and therefore we must act as a state to restore sovereignty. [snip] Secession is the ultimate act of political independence for the people of South Carolina. Secession would mean the dissolution of the union between South Carolina and the other states of America, removing our state from the voluntary compact of the Constitution. Following secession, South Carolina would be a completely free and independent country, a totally sovereign state.In 1860 South Carolina was the first state to secede from the Union. The first shots of the Civil War were fired at South Carolina's Fort Sumter several months later.
Labels: dumbassery, secession, South Carolina, teabaggers