Main | Wednesday, March 09, 2011

OHIO: GetEQUAL Sits-In At Speaker Boehner's Office, Arrest made

Via press release:
West Chester -- Minutes ago, activists from GetEQUAL Ohio -- a direct action LGBT civil rights group associated with the national organization GetEQUAL -- entered Speaker Boehner's West Chester office to demand the Speaker not use tax-payer money to defend Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). At this moment, five protesters are holding a sit-in, demanding to speak to their representative. GetEQUAL State Organizer Tom Morgan issued this statement, "Later today the Speaker will be meeting with his bipartisan legal advisory group to consider whether to defend DOMA. We strongly encourage the Speaker to heed the advice of Rep. Pelosi and the millions of Americans who are demanding the Speaker focus on job creation and not discrimination."

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