Main | Friday, April 08, 2011

Tweet Of The Day - GOProud

Activist Michael Crawford points out that GOProud chairman Chris Barron was singing a different tune just a few years ago when he was hired by Planned Parenthood. From a 2005 news story by the Christianist outlet, Covenant News:
The Planned Parenthood Federation of America has hired an official from the Log Cabin Republicans to head its Republican Party outreach efforts. One pro-choice Republican leader called the move "very exciting," but conservative opponents of the nation's top abortion provider are not impressed. Christopher Barron has served as political director of the homosexual advocacy group within the GOP since February 2004. A press release announcing his departure from the Log Cabin Republicans praised Barron for helping the organization "achieve important progress in making the conservative case for gay and lesbian equality." In the statement, Log Cabin President Patrick Guerriero said that Barron had been "a huge asset" for the organization, which chose not to endorse President Bush in the 2004 election and instead supported "inclusive" Republican candidates for Congress.
According to the above-linked article, Barron also advocated for hate crimes legislation and ENDA while with the Log Cabin Republicans. Under Barron, GOProud now opposes both.

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