Main | Saturday, December 31, 2011

GOProud's Best Year Ever?

That "best year ever" bar has been set pretty low, hasn't it? Let's recap, shall we? In 2011 we saw GOProud publicly disinvited from the nation's largest annual wingnut conference. We saw GOProud denounced and ridiculed by conservative icons. We saw GOProud members involved in two laughable "hate crime" incidents that were widely mocked across the blogosphere as having been faked. We saw GOProud trot out Donald Trump as a potential savior of the nation. We saw GOProud loudly and proudly proclaim the financial genius of alleged serial sexual harasser Herman Cain. And finally, we saw GOProud chairman Chris Barron resign in the wake of an outing incident that also cost them their most notorious board member, Andrew Breitbart.

As far as I can tell, the only "success" GOProud actually had in 2011 was in keeping all of us highly entertained by their nonstop homocon minstrelsy. Let hope for even more "success" in 2012.

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