Saturday, October 08, 2011

Somewhat Good News On SB 48

California Gov. Jerry Brown has just signed a bill restricting all public referendums to a November vote in even-numbered years. This means that even if those attempting to repeal SB 48 manage to get enough petition signatures in these remaining few days, the bill will not appear until November 2012. Republicans, of course, are furious at Brown.
"The idea of direct democracy is to involve as many voters as possible," Brown, a Democrat, wrote in a signing message. Senate Bill 202, signed just days before the 100th anniversary of the initiative process in California, was seen by Republicans an example of extreme partisanship. In a written statement, Senate Republican leader Bob Dutton of Rancho Cucamonga called the bill "a blatant power grab by the powerful public employee unions."

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HuffPo Picks Up GOProud's Latest Drama

And it appears that the commenters there are actually buying this cockamamie fakery, which has not appeared in any Dallas police reports. Is this what we can expect from HuffPo's new Gay Voices venture?

UPDATE: Garrett has now deleted his claims about the rock through his window. Yup.UPDATE II: Huffington Post is now retracting their unquestioning initial story.
Update and note from the editor at 7:32pm: Garrett has since deleted his claim from his Twitter feed. HuffPost Gay Voices never intended to endorse Garrett's claim, but rather draw attention to the larger issues surrounding the incident. Publicity stunt or not, we also wanted to allow readers to weigh in on what supposedly took place as well as Ann Coulter's upcoming appearance on "The A-List: Dallas" and involvement with the queer "community" in general. Correction: A previous version of this article stated Coulter wanted to "repeal" DADT, however, she in fact wants to see it reinstated.

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Mitt Romney Denounces Bryan Fischer

Calling his words "poisonous language," Mitt Romney responded to critics today by denouncing the racist vitriol of the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer. While Romney didn't mention Fischer by name, we applaud his action, which comes after a blistering article in the New York Times and a strong campaign by both the Southern Poverty Law Center and People For The American Way. We cannot, however, forgive Romney for his appearance this hate convention in the first place.

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Mittens In 100 Seconds

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ALABAMA: No Papers, No Water


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Star Parker: Gay People Make Us Sick

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Trolling Wesboro, Part 87


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Quote Of The Day - Robert Jeffress

"I think part of the problem is we're in this consumer mentality as a church where we have the idea that our job is to build as big of a church as we possible can. And if we get into that idea and fall into that trap, then we say then we can't say anything that's going to offend people, why, if we preach that homosexuality is an abomination to God we better not preach that because that's going to offend the gays or people who know gay people, if we tell people what the Bible says that every other religion in the world is wrong: Islam is wrong, it is a heresy from the pit of Hell; Mormonism is wrong, it is a heresy from the pit of Hell; Judaism, you can't be saved being a Jew, you know who said that by the way, the three greatest Jews in the New Testament, Peter, Paul, and Jesus Christ, they all said Judaism won't do, it's faith Jesus Christ." - Pastor Robert Jeffress, who yesterday introduced Rick Perry at the Values Voter Summit.

And suddenly the mainstream media wakes up to the fact that Christian hate groups believe that all Mormons and Jews will end up sucking Satan's cock in hell. Via New York Times:
The comments by the pastor, Robert Jeffress of Dallas, injected a potentially explosive issue into the presidential campaign: the belief held by many evangelicals that Mormons are not Christians. And it raised immediate suspicions that the attack might have been a way for surrogates or supporters of Mr. Perry, the Texas governor, who has stumbled in recent weeks, to gain ground by raising religious concerns about Mr. Romney. Mr. Jeffress similarly attacked Mr. Romney and his faith during the 2008 campaign. But in a statement, the Family Research Council president, Tony Perkins, said the Perry campaign had approved using Mr. Jeffress to introduce the governor. “Pastor Jeffress was suggested to us as a possible introductory speaker because he serves as pastor of one of the largest churches in Texas,” Mr. Perkins said. “We sent the request to the Perry campaign which then signed off on the request.”

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Step Aside For Men

Signs being posted in Brooklyn's Orthodox Jewish enclaves command women to deferentially step aside and allow men to pass when meeting on the sidewalk.
Why did the Orthodox Jewish woman cross the road? Because a Yiddish sign ordered her. A bold new religious decree was bolted to street trees this week that orders women to move to the side when a man is walking towards her on the sidewalk. The red, yellow and white plastic sign, first noted in the Jewish watchdog blog Failed Messiah, is roughly translated, “Precious Jewish daughters, please move over to the side when you see a man come across.”
The Parks Department is taking down the signs because they are nailed to trees.

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A Statement From The OWS Protesters

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Friday, October 07, 2011

Today In Transparent Publicity Stunts

Taylor Garrett, cast member of The A-List: Dallas, is claiming that radical leftist homofascists hurled the above rock and note through his window because of his upcoming episode with Ann Coulter and GOProud's Jimmy LaSalvia. We'll stand by for the police investigation. Checks watch. Yeah. Hey Taylor, you're totally biting on Eugene Delgaudio's schtick.

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MINNESOTA: Karl Rove Gets Glittered

From the clip description:
At the Minnesota Faith and Freedom Coalition strategy session about the upcoming ballot measure seeking to re-write the state constitution to ban marriages for same-sex couples, Republican Party hit-man Karl Rove, and congressman Erik Paulsen were showered with glitter by a group of equality advocates who call themselves "The Glitterati." The event was set to award Paulsen with a "Friend of the Family" award for his efforts to put the anti-family constitutional amendment on the ballot in Minnesota for 2012. "You're no friend to my family!" exclaimed Michael Cahill, as he showered Erik Paulsen with glitter. A few hours later Karl Rove was doused in glitter by a second glitterati member at a book signing at the same event.

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More Evidence Of Deceptive Petition Gathering By Opponents Of SB 48

Five year-olds will be trained to be gay! Or something!

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Quote Of The Day - NC Gov. Bev Perdue

"My top priority is creating jobs. Too many people are out of work and I’ve heard from several business leaders who’ve told me that the proposed constitutional amendment will harm our state’s business climate and make it harder to grow jobs here. I believe that marriage is between one man and one woman: That’s why I voted for the law in 1996 that defines marriage as between one man and one woman, and that’s why I continue to support that law today. But I’m going to vote against the amendment because I cannot in good conscience look an unemployed man or woman in the eye and tell them that this amendment is more important than finding them a job." - North Carolina Gov. Bev Perdue, in a statement posted today on her official website.

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Rep. Steve King Tells Hate Convention: Gays Are Most Unhappy People I've Met

Of course King only meets gay people who show up to counter-protest his hate rallies. But the line got a laugh.

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Slaggie Denounces Herman Cain

In today's installment of Infighting Is Funny, Maggie Gallagher denounces pizza magnate Herman Cain for not being anti-gay enough. That's news to US, Mrs. Srivastav.
He refused to sign the National Organization for Marriage's marriage pledge for, well, no particular reason he could articulate. Something about it being Congress' job to propose legislation, not the executive. In an interview at the APP debate in South Carolina, Cain personally told me he could support a federal marriage amendment, but in his first debate in New Hampshire he seemed to have joined Ron Paul​ in opposing a federal marriage amendment, saying he would leave the issue up to the states. He is our Obama. An untested candidate with a golden tongue; a blank slate upon whom we can hang our dreams --and fantasies. Social conservatives, be wary.

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Petition To Logo: Don't Air A-List Episode Featuring Ann Coulter

Hit this link if you'd think Logo shouldn't promote Ann "Faggot" Coulter, who told GOProud's donors, "Marriage is not a civil right. You're not BLACK."

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Azis - Hop

We haven't heard from our favorite Bulgarian gypsy drag Eurovision disco bear in quite a while. Looks like he's taken off a lot of weight. Video NSFW.

(Tipped by JMG reader Bob)

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Frothy Mix Lies At Hate Convention

Former Sen. Rick Santorum today told the Values Voter Summit audience that the president has ordered military clergy to perform same-sex marriages. Zack Ford provides the actual directive at Think Progress:
A military chaplain may participate in or officiate any private ceremony, whether on or off a military installation, provided that the ceremony is not prohibited by applicable state and local law. Further, a chaplain is not required to participate in or officiate a private ceremony if doing so would be in variance with the tenets of his or her religion or personal beliefs. Finally, a military chaplain’s participation in a private ceremony does not constitute an endorsement of the ceremony by DoD.

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Mat Staver: Gay Rights Will Bring Destruction Of Western Civilization

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Anti-Gay Hate Groups Dominate Vendors Mart At FRC's Values Voter Summit

The Advocate reports that numerous anti-gay hate groups have booths at the Values Voter Summit's vendor mart. Those advocating anti-gay hatred and violence include the red-caped Catholic loons of Tradition, Family & Property, PFOX, the American Family Association, Liberty Counsel, Concerned Women for America, Morality In Media, NOM, and many more.

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Email Of The Day - Eugene Delgaudio

In this week's missive, Eugene retells a story so infamous that it's been posted to his Wikipedia page. It was a dark and stormy lie-filled night....
Dear Joe, Radical homosexual groups like the Gay-Lesbian Task Force and ACT-UP receive millions from the government. Hundreds of millions of tax dollars flow to homosexual activists through funding for so-called AIDS-awareness programs and research grants -- and I just read in the paper, cash even went to build a strip club! One stormy night, I drove to a mailshop hidden deep in a nearly deserted stand of warehouses. I’d heard something was up and wanted to see for myself. As I rounded the final turn, my eyes nearly popped. Tractor-trailers pulled up to loading docks, cars and vans everywhere and long-haired, earring-pierced men scurrying around running forklifts, inserters and huge printing presses.

Trembling with worry, I went inside. It was worse than I ever imagined. Row after row of boxes bulging with pro-homosexual petitions lined the walls, stacked to the ceiling. My mind reeled as I realized hundreds, maybe thousands, more boxes were already loaded on the tractor-trailers. And still more petitions were flying off the press. Suddenly a dark-haired man screeched, “Delgaudio, what are you doing here?” Dozens of men began moving toward me. I’d been recognized. As I retreated to my car, the man chortled, “This time, Delgaudio, we can’t lose!” Driving away, my eyes filled with tears as I realized he might be right. This time the Radical Homosexuals could win
Somehow, THIS TIME, Eugene escaped without being hit over the head with rocks! Whew!

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PFOX "Ex-Gays" Denounce Anti-Bullying Bills At FRC's Hate Conference

"Sexual anarchy and homofascism! It's gotta stop!"

(Via - Think Progress)

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Morning View - Fruit Stand

Weather permitting, you can find a fruit stand on many Manhattan's corners. The selections are usually as fresh as can be and quite inexpensive. A huge perk of city living.

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Tweet Of The Day - Honey Badger

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Ben Stein On #OccupyWallStreet

"The next step, I am sure, by the way, for the Occupy Wall Street crowd is for Anderson Cooper, Bill Maher, and Jon Stewart, the trifecta of conventional wisdom's failed liberalism, to come down to Wall Street and join the masses in demanding more of our tax money so they can all be supported as novelists and movie directors. You poor kids. You are basically asking to be supported and taken care of by Mommy and Daddy. Wake up, kids. Wall Street is you, with all of your wants and needs and wishes, only they have the balls to go out and work for it. Sometimes they are crooks and sometimes they are fools -- but you know what? So are all of us. Listen to Mr. Cain. Shut up and get to work." - Tea Party asshat and failed actor Ben Stein, writing for American Spectator.

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Eric Cantor: "Mobs" Occupy Wall Street

Speaking at this weekend's hate convention in DC, GOP Rep. Eric Cantor characterized the Wall Street protesters as a "mob" that wants to "divide America." Last year Cantor had nothing to say about Tea Party activists who were literally calling for civil war.

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Seen On British Bus Benches

A counterpoint to the "There's Probably No God" campaign.

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Fischer Vs SPLC

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Freep This FRC Poll

Let's vote for "other." For us, that means stopping hate groups. Freep this poll.

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Full Page From SPLC In Today's WaPo

Think Progress links to a PDF that might be easier to read.

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Ethics Complaint For Clarence Thomas

Several members of Congress have filed a formal ethics complaint against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas because of his wife's prominent role with the Tea Party.
"Public records demonstrate a failure by Justice Thomas to exercise the care expected of a Supreme Court Justice," the letter says. "Not only did Justice Thomas fail to report at least $1.6 million in income from his wife's employer, but the very public role played by his wife as co-founder, president and CEO of Liberty Central clearly merits investigation considering that federal law bars judges from participating in any matter in which their impartiality could be questioned. "The very public role played by his wife in opposing healthcare reform, and Justice Thomas’ insinuations in public speeches that he supports her positions, raises clear questions about the appearance of bias," it continues.
People For The America Way add:
The strikes against Thomas’ record are numerous. He has relationships with wealthy corporate benefactors such as Harlan Crow who have given him valuable gifts such as a Bible worth $19,000 and seed money for his wife’s Tea Party group, he has attended Koch-sponsored fundraisers, and he has failed to recuse himself from cases where briefs were filed by an organization (the arch-conservative American Enterprise Institute) that had provided him a valuable gift.

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Lawrence O'Donnell Vs. Herman Cain

The clips are long, but GOProud is furious so you know it's good. Cain dodges and weaves and refuses to directly answer many of the questions.

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FRC's Hate Fest Is Live-Streaming

Click the image for a live video stream of the Family Research Council's Values Voter Summer, which begins today in Washington DC. It will truly be a nonstop cavalcade of the most viciously anti-gay and racist figures of the American right. And all of the GOP presidential candidates will be there to lick their leaders' boots.

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Pink News reports:
The internet domain name has been sold for half a million dollars. Although the .xxx extension is not yet open for public registration, the address was bought by Corbin Fisher, one of the world’s biggest gay porn producers. It is the highest amount ever paid for a domain name before the extension is publicly launched. The extension .xxx is owned by ICM Registry and is aimed at the adult industry.

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Simon's Cat - Double Trouble

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Brian Brown: I Got Nothing New

"You probably know that NOM's founding Chairman of the board, Princeton Prof. Robby George, has warned that once government accepts the idea that two men can be a marriage, most of the other core features of marriage in our tradition become hard to justify: Why only two people, why not polygamy? Why sexual fidelity? Why can't sisters qualify for marriage?
 But even that great intellectual genius didn't predict that the next step (at least in Mexico City) would be to try to rip away from under marriage another of its features: even the ghost of the ideal of permanence. Every day confirms the importance of the work you make possible here at NOM: defending our marriage tradition and defending, as well, the people who stand up for it!" - Brian Brown, head bigot at NOM.

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Occupy Wall Street In 100 Seconds

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Thursday, October 06, 2011

CALIFORNIA: Feds Order Closure Of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

The federal government is sending letters to California's legal pot dispensaries ordering them to close within 45 days.
The state's four U.S. attorneys sent letters Wednesday and Thursday notifying at least 16 pot shops or their landlords that they are violating federal drug laws, even though medical marijuana is legal in California. The attorneys are to announce their coordinated crackdown at a Friday news conference. The move marks an escalation of the conflict between the government and the medical marijuana industry.
While medical marijuana has been a literal lifesaver for many cancer and AIDS patients, brazen flouting of wrongfully obtained licenses has long provided ample fodder to the movement's enemies.

UPDATE: It's not yet clear if the "crackdown" is limited only to those pot shops with the worst histories of abuses. Tomorrow's press conference will tell the full story.

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Crazy Eyes: None Of The GOP Presidential Candidates Hate Gay Marriage Like I Do

She hates the hardest and is therefore the best.

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ESPN Cans Hank Williams Jr For Good

Thanks to his Obama=Hitler speech, America will never again hear Hank Williams' opening theme to Monday Night Football.
Are you ready for some football? Hank Williams Jr. isn't anymore. The country singer and ESPN each took credit for the decision Thursday morning to ax his classic intro to "Monday Night Football." The network had pulled the song from the game earlier this week after Williams made an analogy to Adolf Hitler while discussing President Barack Obama on Fox News on Monday morning. "After reading hundreds of e-mails, I have made MY decision," Williams said in a statement to The Associated Press. "By pulling my opening Oct 3rd, You (ESPN) stepped on the Toes of The First Amendment Freedom of Speech, so therefore Me, My Song, and All My Rowdy Friends are OUT OF HERE. It's been a great run." But ESPN's statement said: "We have decided to part ways with Hank Williams Jr. We appreciate his contributions over the past years. The success of Monday Night Football has always been about the games and that will continue."

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Jesus Ween

Also about zombies!

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NY Town Clerk: I'm Being Oppressed!

RELATED: The lying liars at NOM are lie-tweeting today that "New York clerks lose jobs for defending marriage." In FACT, nobody has "lost" their job. Two have QUIT rather than obey the law.

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POLL: Majority Supports Gays In Military

CBS News reports on their new poll:
Just a few weeks after the implementation of the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," a majority of Americans say they support gays and lesbians serving openly in the military, according to a new CBS News poll. According to the poll, 68 percent of Americans said they support gay and lesbians' rights to serve openly. Fifty percent said they "strongly" favored the idea. Moreover, although many national Republicans leaders were against the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," more Republicans surveyed favor the idea of allowing gays and lesbians to serve in the armed forces openly than oppose it.

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Oral Sex: Worse Than Smoking?

We haven't had a "shocking" medical study in a few hours.

So here.
A study published in yesterday's Journal of Clinical Oncology reveals that as many as 72 percent of throat tumors in men may be linked to the human papillomavirus, commonly known as HPV. The researchers hypothesize that the virus spreads predominately via oral sex, and that it may already account for more cases of throat cancer than smoking. "The burden of cancer caused by HPV is going to shift from women to men in this decade," said Maura Gillison, an oncologist at Ohio State University and lead author of the study. "What we believe is happening is that the number of sexual partners and exposure to HPV has risen over that same time period."
Here's the study's abstract.

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TRAILER: Stained Glass Rainbows

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SPLC Steps Up Pressure On FRC

Tomorrow the Southern Poverty Law Center will take advantage of the media pack following GOP candidates by staging a press conference outside the Family Research Council's Values Voter Summit in DC. Let's hope at least a couple of the major networks tune in.

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Hop On Board The Hate Bus!

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EQCA: No Prop 8 Repeal Try In 2012

Citing polls that are still too close to call, Equality California has announced that they will not attempt to place a repeal of Proposition 8 on the 2012 ballot.
Equality California said that while public opinion on marriage for same-sex couples has increased since Proposition 8 passed in 2008, support continues to hover near 50 percent—indicating more work must be done before asking voters to overturn Proposition 8 through what would inevitably be a very expensive and difficult campaign. In addition, the Perry v. Brown legal challenge to Proposition 8 has provided hope that the freedom to marry can be restored in California and create a legal precedent to protect marriage without the potential risks and expense of a multi-million dollar campaign in these very trying economic times.

"With a challenge to Prop 8’s discrimination now before the courts, Freedom to Marry supports Equality California’s decision to forego a ballot campaign in 2012,” said Evan Wolfson, founder and President of Freedom to Marry. ”Freedom to Marry will continue to work with Equality California and our many other partners to engage Californians in the crucial conversations necessary to grow the pro-marriage majority and permanently restore the freedom to marry in California as soon as possible."

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Thank You, Steve

I decided to read the wingut New York Post over breakfast this morning, something I very rarely do, because I was curious to see teabagger teeth-gnashing over Sarah Palin's announcement. What I found at the front of the paper was four full pages of tributes to Steve Jobs. (Plus the cover.) And way way way back in the lower right corner of page 16? One sentence about Sarah Palin. Even in death, Steve Jobs does the world good.

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KapoQuotable - Jimmy LaSalvia

"We at GOProud are thrilled at this opportunity. We look forward to gay people everywhere getting a chance to hear about our organizations and hear from Ann Coulter – simply the smartest, funniest and most stylish woman in politics today. We thank Ann for agreeing to do this and for continuing her outspoken support for gay conservatives." - GOProud's Jimmy LaSalvia, who appears in the upcoming episode of Logo's The A-List: Dallas. (And by "outspoken support" he means that Coulter endorses GOProud's platform of supporting anybody that would like to see you in prison.)

RELATED: There's a boycott page on Facebook already, of course. When I sent the link to Logo's Twitter dude, he fired back: "Aw man looks like we lost the cranky demographic."

CORRECTION: JMG reader AlanT tips us that the above-linked boycott page actually predates the Coulter/GOProud flap, although the most recent entries there do refer to it.

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FRC's Latest Hate Campaign

(Via - Good As You)

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GOP Rep. Frank Wolf Attacks GOProud Board Member Grover Norquist

Rep. Wolf's official House website:
In a speech today on the House floor, Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) expressed concern about Grover Norquist’s influence on the political process in Washington and his association with several individuals, groups and causes many would consider unsavory. Wolf questioned Norquist’s relationship with convicted felon Jack Abramoff and terrorist financiers Abdurahman Alamoudi and Sami Al-Arian. He also raised the issue of Norquist’s advocacy of moving Guantanamo Bay detainees to the United States, including 9/11 mastermind Khaled Sheik Mohammed, and his representation of the Internet gambling industry and Fannie Mae.
Infighting is funny! Watch the clip.

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DNC On Wall Street Protests

On their "rapid response" YouTube channel, the Democratic National Committee bashes the GOP for the economic disaster that has propelled Occupy Wall Street.

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Maddow On Marriage

"I feel that gay people not being able to get married for generations, forever, meant that we came up with alternative ways of recognizing relationships. And I worry that if everybody has access to the same institutions that we lose the creativity of subcultures having to make it on their own. And I like gay culture." - Rachel Maddow, speaking to the Hollywood Reporter.

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Bill O'Reilly Vs. Richard Dawkins

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NYT Covers Values Voter Summit Flap

The Family Research Council's annual Values Voter Summit begins tomorrow with a speaker's slate comprising many of the most viciously anti-gay and racist figures in the nation. Last week People For The American Way joined the chorus of progressives demanding that the invited GOP presidential candidates at least comment on those they'll share the stage with.

Today the New York Times reports on the situation.
Since Mitt Romney is battling suspicion among Christian conservatives about the depth of his opposition to same-sex marriage and abortion, it is no surprise that he is joining the other major Republican candidates this week to speak at the annual Values Voters Summit, a celebration of the political aims of the religious right.[snip] “If Mitt Romney wants to appeal to mainstream audiences, he should publicly disassociate himself from Fischer’s bigotry before handing him the podium,” said Michael Keegan, president of People for the American Way. The Romney campaign did not immediately comment on the call to distance the candidate from Mr. Fischer.

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Obama On Steve Jobs

The White House has released a statement by the president.
Michelle and I are saddened to learn of the passing of Steve Jobs. Steve was among the greatest of American innovators - brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to do it. By building one of the planet's most successful companies from his garage, he exemplified the spirit of American ingenuity. By making computers personal and putting the internet in our pockets, he made the information revolution not only accessible, but intuitive and fun. And by turning his talents to storytelling, he has brought joy to millions of children and grownups alike. Steve was fond of saying that he lived every day like it was his last. Because he did, he transformed our lives, redefined entire industries, and achieved one of the rarest feats in human history: he changed the way each of us sees the world.

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Mass Violence At Wall Street Protests

Last night the NYPD waded into the Wall Street protesters with flailing batons and pepper spray. Hundreds of the estimated 15,000 protesters were reportedly arrested, but police have not released figures. IMPORTANT CORRECTION: Contrary to initial reports from the scene, where, admittedly, confusion reigned, only a few dozen protesters were arrested. An NYPD official this afternoon put the number at "between 40 and 50."

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Posted Via iPhone


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Quote Of The Day - Andrew Sullivan

"So she's bowing out. Call it cowardice; call it a rare example of sanity; call it a bizarre end to an even weirder game of hide and seek for the past few months. But the bottom line is: we can stop worrying about the threat she posed to this country. That is all I really cared about: the insane gamble with the world that John McCain foisted on us, with no vetting and no reason but desperation and cynicism. It is hard to describe the relief of this awful person finally going away." - Andrew Sullivan, in a typically blistering post about Sarah Palin.

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The Values Of The Values Voters Summit

Compiled by Right Wing Watch.

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Open Thread Thursday

What do you use to read JMG?

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Wednesday, October 05, 2011

BREAKING: Steve Jobs Has Died

Mere weeks after he stepped down as the long-running CEO of Apple due to health reasons, computer icon Steve Jobs has died. I'll add to this post when further details are available.

[Image credit:]

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Sarah Palin: I'm Officially Not Running

Ooh, this news will make the homocons at Hillbuzz cry.
"After much prayer and serious consideration, I have decided that I will not be seeking the 2012 GOP nomination for President of the United States. As always, my family comes first and obviously Todd and I put great consideration into family life before making this decision. When we serve, we devote ourselves to God, family and country. My decision maintains this order. My decision is based upon a review of what common sense Conservatives and Independents have accomplished, especially over the last year. I believe that at this time I can make way more fucking money by continuing to whore out my snowbilly family on reality shows."
I've edited the above for the sake of clarity.

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Herman Cain: Obama Administration Secretly Planned Wall Street Protests

"Don't blame Wall Street. Don't blame the big banks. If you don't have a job and you're not rich, blame yourself."

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Hate Groups Attack Rep. Ros-Lehtinen

NOM is cheering a nasty attack on Rep. Illeana Ros-Lehtinen by a Florida-based Christianist hate group, who accuses the Miami-area congresswoman of taking bribes to become the first Republican House member to support the repeal of DOMA.
Florida Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R) has embarrassed and ridiculed herself by becoming the first Republican to co-sponsor on a deceptive bill to overturn the bipartisan Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). This new fraudulent legislation seeks to overturn the will of the people in Florida and all across America, by imposing so-called "homosexual marriage" on all fifty (50) states. No doubt, when voters elected Congresswoman Lehtinen, this was not a part of her "agenda", she has lied to and misled her own constituents, donors and volunteers by kowtowing to an extremist agenda. As we go forward there is little doubt that the "incentives," being used to sway votes, will be exposed.
The Christian Family Coalition closes by childishly taunting Ros-Lehtinen that Florida's voters rejected same-sex marriage and "there's not a single thing she can do about it!"

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Quote Of The Day - David Cameron

"I once stood before a Conservative conference and said it shouldn’t matter whether commitment was between a man and a woman, a woman and a woman, or a man and another man. You applauded me for that. Five years on, we’re consulting on legalising gay marriage. And to anyone who has reservations, I say: Yes, it’s about equality, but it’s also about something else: commitment. Conservatives believe in the ties that bind us; that society is stronger when we make vows to each other and support each other. So I don’t support gay marriage despite being a Conservative. I support gay marriage because I’m a Conservative." - British Prime Minister David Cameron. (Via - Towleroad)

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Brandon McInerney To Be Retried As An Adult, Hate Crime Charge Dropped

Prosecutors announced today that they will be retrying teenage murderer Brandon McInerney as an adult and with no hate crime embellishment to the charges. A mistrial was declared last month after some jurors refused to convict McInerney as an adult. Those jurors have since formed a support group for McInerney.
Superior Court Judge Charles Campbell set a Nov. 21 trial date, according to Fox, but it's unclear if it will be held in Ventura County. The first trial was moved to Los Angeles County due to pretrial publicity. McInerney was 14 in February 2008, when he is accused of killing King at E.O. Green Junior High School during a computer lab class. Prosecutors contend McInerney embraced a white supremacist philosophy that sees homosexuality as an abomination. Police found Nazi-inspired drawings and artifacts at his house, and a white supremacist expert testified at trial the hate-filled ideology was the reason for the killing.

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Rabbi Daniel Lapin: 9/11 Was Predicted In The Torah & Was Totally Planned By Hitler

"The Torah, in ancient Jewish wisdom the Bible, actually explains something which we have lived through which is one of the great mysteries: the plot of 9/11. Not only do we find references in Zachariah to four mysterious crafts that come through between two mountains made of metal, in biblical terminology mountains can be natural mountains or also anything tall that grows up like two buildings, also the idea that the plot was hatched not in Mecca or Medina or Riyadh or anywhere else in Saudi Arabia, that plot was hatched in Hamburg, Germany, and was based on a dream that Adolf Hitler had in 1943 which was to fly suicide Luftwaffe German air force bombers into the towers of Manhattan." - Whackadoodle Orthodox Rabbi Daniel Lapin, speaking to Pat Robertson on the 700 Club.

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Bevan Dufty On MSNBC

Openly gay San Francisco supervisor and mayoral candidate Bevan Dufty appeared on MSNBC today to discuss the mixed reaction to his latest campaign ad, which features his young daughter.

(Via - Think Progress)

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Afternoon View - West 137 Street

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Wall Street Protesters Hate Capitalism!

So sez GOP Rep. Allen West. And if you read Gay Patriot's Twitter feed, the protesters are also unwashed smelly hippies.

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Prop 8 Backers File Another Brief To Overturn Judge Walker's Ruling

They keep losing, but the backers of Proposition 8 just appeal, appeal, appeal. Once again, they are demanding that Judge Walker's ruling be overturned because his gayness and long-term relationship constituted an inherent conflict of interest.
The sponsors of California's voter-approved same-sex marriage ban have asked a federal court to invalidate the ruling of the federal judge who struck it down, saying the judge should be disqualified because he did not divulge he was in a long-term relationship with another man. Lawyers for the Proposition 8's backers filed their open brief on the issue late Monday with the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco.

They claim that another federal judge erred when he concluded U.S. Chief Judge Vaughn Walker's relationship status was irrelevant to Walker's ability to fairly preside over the trial on the measure's constitutionality. In their brief, they argue that Walker's impartiality can be questioned because he is "similarly situated" to the plaintiffs who sued to overturn Proposition 8, two same-sex couples in established relationships. They also said that while Walker has not indicated if he and his partner wish to marry, research presented as evidence in the trial found that two-thirds of unmarried same-sex couples would tie the knot if they could.

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Jurors Discuss Lawrence King Trial

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CHICAGO: City Scales Back Gay Pride Parade To Curb Public Drunkenness

Well, this is a new one. Chicago's city leaders have ordered an earlier start and a reduction in the size of the city's gay pride parade, saying the move is meant to reduce public drunkenness.
Chicago is altering the route, size and starting time of its annual Gay Pride Parade to curb public drinking and accommodate crowds that topped 800,000 last year. The most important change is the starting time. The parade held on the last Sunday in June will step off at 10 a.m. instead of noon. “Unless you’re a hard-core drinker, most people don’t drink at 10 o’clock in the morning,” said parade coordinator Richard Pfeiffer. Ald. Tom Tunney (44th), Chicago’s first openly-gay aldermen, added, “There’s people concerned about alcohol being consumed on that day. Complaints are that people actually bring their coolers and consume a lot. An earlier start time will promote less drinking.”
RELATED: Two years ago New York City reduced the length of its pride parade, but that move was unrelated to drinking as alcohol sales are not permitted at city parades.

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VIDEO: Ali Forney Center Launches Campaign For LGBT Youth Shelter

Ali Forney Center head Carl Siciliano:
“We hope that this video will promote awareness of the terrible peril that LGBT youth face when left homeless in the streets. With the recent spectacle of elected officials taking budgetary actions to endanger and abandon homeless youth in New York City, we hope the rally on October 24th will send a loud and clear message that the LGBT community demands that they be protected. No youth should be left in the streets without shelter."
Via press release: "The October 24 rally will be held in Union Square, beginning at 6 PM. It is in support of the Campaign for Youth Shelter, and is being planned by representatives from the Ali Forney Center, the Bronx Community Pride Center, Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, Green Chimneys NYC, the Lambda Independent Democrats of Brooklyn, and Queer Rising."

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SPLC Denounces GOP Speakers At Family Research Council's Convention

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Democrats Hold WV Governorship

Democrat Earl Ray Tomblin has won the special election to replace West Virginia Gov. Joe Manchin, who left office late last year after winning a seat in the U.S. Senate.
The race was fraught with negative ads from both sides and narrowed in the final weeks. The national parties spent millions of dollars on each campaign. With 96 percent of precincts reporting, Tomblin had 50 percent of the vote compared with Republican Bill Maloney's 47 percent, according to unofficial results. Tomblin campaigned as the rightful heir to Manchin. He said together they helped shape policies that created pain-free balanced budgets and revenue surpluses at a time when other states continued to struggle during the recession. "We tried to stay on message as much as possible," Tomblin told to The Associated Press before addressing his supporters Tuesday night. "We do have a stable budget and a stable economy in West Virginia. That's what people are looking for."
Sen. Manchin, who replaced the late Sen. Robert Byrd, missed two critical votes on the repeal of DADT, but said he would have voted against both bills had he been present and not "celebrating Christmas with my family."

RELATED: Tomblin's family has earned over $4M from legislation that benefits his family business. That bill was approved by the West Virginia Senate Finance Committee when Tomblin was its chairman.

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Perry's Polling Plummets


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TODAY: Labor Unions To Join In Massive #OccupyWallStreet Protest March

Today's planned 4:30pm march from City Hall to Wall Street is expected to be the largest show of numbers in the three week old Occupy Wall Street protest.
Unions, community groups, college students and the unemployed - calling themselves "the 99%" who are getting the shaft from the richest 1%, which controls 40% of America's wealth - are joining in. "Join us to protest the arrest of 700 marchers on the Brooklyn Bridge while the banksters who wrecked the economy remain free," urged NYU Prof. Andrew Ross. Anticipating more mass arrests, Samuelsen filed for a federal injunction to stop the city from commandeering city buses to transport NYPD prisoners. The transit workers union said regular passengers were kicked off at least five buses on Saturday when NYPD brass ordered drivers to take some of the 700 detained protesters to booking.
RELATED: Broadway's musicians union startled theatergoers yesterday when it declared that tonight's shows were canceled so that members could participate in the march. That announcement was later retracted as a "computer error."

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700 Club: We're Being Oppressed!

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Wingnuts Cheer End Of Playboy Club

Dan Issett, head of the right-wing Parents Television Council, is claiming credit for the demise of The Playboy Club, which has been canceled by NBC after only three episodes.
"The show would still be on the air if people hadn't stood up and spoken out to the sponsors of the show and the advertisers on the show," Issett suggests. "So there's a lot of credit that needs to be given to people around the country who made the simple step of just letting their opinion be known about this." He says that was the bottom line to NBC's decision to end the show that was designed "to promote the Playboy brand". So Issett says that is what it will take in the future to get the point across to the entertainment industry. And he hopes that those making programming decisions in the future will more carefully consider whether the content of a show or movie violates public trust.
The show scored only a 1.2 rating in its last airing. Issett: "We’re pleased that NBC will no longer be airing a program so inherently linked to a pornographic brand that denigrates and sexualizes women."

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HomoQuotable - R. Clark Cooper

"If Herman Cain truly wants to see the science proving that sexual orientation is not a choice, Log Cabin Republicans would be happy to show it to him. The claim that a person chooses to be gay or lesbian has been discredited by every major professional medical organization, starting with the American Psychological Association and the American Medical Association. An individual’s orientation is no more a choice than the color of his skin or whether he is left-handed, and too many people have been hurt because of failed attempts to change the way they were born." - Log Cabin Republicans head R. Clark Cooper.

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Race War To The Top

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Sesame Street To Debut "Hungry" Muppet

In a grim marker of the times, Sesame Street will launch a new "hungry" Muppet character whose family faces regular food deprivation.
Pink-faced Muppet Lily, whose family deals with food insecurity, will join Big Bird, Elmo and other favorites on a one-hour prime-time special featuring country star Brad Paisley and his wife Kimberly Williams Paisley called "Growing Hope Against Hunger," to air Oct 9. The new Muppet will bring awareness to the ongoing hunger struggles that families face in the United States, the show said. "Food insecurity is a growing and difficult issue for adults to discuss, much less children," the Paisleys said in a statement.

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Joel Osteen: I'm Still Anti-Gay

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NEW YORK CITY: British Lesbian Killed In East River Helicopter Crash

A British woman celebrating her 40th birthday with her partner and parents was killed yesterday when their sightseeing helicopter crashed into the East River just off Manhattan. The frenzied rescue attempt was covered live on NYC television and was viewed by thousands from their office and apartment windows.
Moments before a doomed chopper crashed into the East River on Tuesday, the pilot yelled to his passengers, "We're going down." Suddenly, the helicopter plunged upside down into the chilly, fast-moving water, sparking a desperate rescue operation by city cops and firefighters that saved four people from the treacherous water. Despite their heroic efforts, Sonia Marra Nicholson, a British woman in the city celebrating her 40th birthday, was trapped inside the helicopter and died. The crash left her mother and partner in critical condition. Her stepfather was treated and released. Veteran pilot Paul Dudley escaped the 3:20 p.m. crash unharmed. "He's very distraught," a source said. "He says he just lost control and it crashed in the water."
Australian gay news site SameSame reports that the two women resided in Sydney, where they once owned well-known restaurants.

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Chaz Bono Survives Week 3 On DWTS

A shocker to everybody, especially Chaz. After the results were revealed, Cher tweeted that she'll be in the audience at next week's show.

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Tuesday, October 04, 2011

The Revolution IS Being Televised

Click over to Global Revolution for a live video stream from lower Manhattan. Meanwhile the White House has acknowledged the growing protest, which is now in its third week: "To the extent that people are frustrated with the economic situation, we understand. And that’s why we’re so urgently trying to focus Congress’s attention on the need to take action on the economy and job creation."

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Overpopulation: Totally A Myth

The Population Research Institute, which is a front group for the Christianist Bradley Foundation, claims that overpopulation is a myth. Throw away those condoms! Use the Earth as you fucking well please!

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Anonymous To Wall Street: We Will Take Down Stock Exchange On October 10th

PC Magazine:
The threat to "erase" the NYSE from the Internet was not explained, though in comments on the YouTube video, some speculated that Anonymous was planning a Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack on the public-facing website, similar to DDoS attacks the group has used to take down websites in the past. Others felt that would only be a minor setback for the NYSE and guessed that Anonymous was planning a larger attack, perhaps even an attempt to actually disable trading on the exchange.

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Boehner Triples DOMA Legal Budget

House Speaker John Boenher has tripled the allocation to defend DOMA to a possible $1.5M.
A modified contract between the General Counsel to the House of Representatives and former Solicitor General Paul Clement of Bancroft PLLC sets a cap of $750,000 which can be raised up to $1.5 million. "It is absolutely unconscionable that Speaker Boehner is tripling the cost for his legal boondoggle to defend the indefensible Defense of Marriage Act," Drew Hammill, a spokesman for Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, said in a statement. "At a time when Americans are hurting and job creation should be the top priority, it just shows how out of touch House Republicans have become that they would spend up to $1.5 million dollars to defend discrimination in our country," Hammill continued.
Rep. Jerrold Nadler reacts via press release:
“In the current climate of Republican-sponsored deficit hysteria, draconian spending cuts, and an ongoing recession in which Americans are still awaiting congressional leadership on jobs and mortgage relief, it is shocking and supremely hypocritical for Republican Leadership to spend additional taxpayer dollars on the unwarranted, unconstitutional and unnecessary defense of DOMA. It seems that the only jobs program the House is creating is one for high-priced lawyers to defend an unconscionable law.
Freedom To Marry's Evan Wolfson:
“At a time when Americans are struggling through one of the worst economies in our nation's history, it is shameful that House Republicans are now tripling the spending of tax dollars - including those of gay and lesbian Americans - to defend a discriminatory anti-gay law that makes it even harder for committed gay and lesbian couples to take care of and protect their loved ones. The so-called Defense of Marriage Act is indefensible, and wasting tax dollars on perpetuating discrimination is unconscionable.”

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