Main | Tuesday, January 10, 2012

ILLINOIS: Hate Group Unhappy With Cardinal George's Apology To Gays

Over the weekend Cardinal Francis George issued a formal apology for comparing gay activists to the KKK. And that makes Laurie Higgins at the Illinois Family Institute very unhappy.
What I wish Cardinal George had said was that homosexual acts are soul-destroying acts that are "detestable" in God's eyes and that the parade is a tragic, offensive event that shouldn't take place on any day in any neighborhood. It is not an act of love to affirm or appear to affirm that which God condemns. Cardinal George should not use the terms "gay" and "lesbian." Those terms do not merely denote same-sex attraction and volitional acts. They connote biological determinism, immutability, and an inherent morality. What other groups would Cardinal George choose to identify by their disordered inclinations and freely chosen sinful acts? Rhetoric matters.
She's a charmer!

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