Main | Thursday, July 19, 2012

Obama To End ADAP Waiting Lists

Fantastic news even if its release is shrewdly timed to arrive a few days before the International AIDS Conference. Via White House press release:
Today, Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced nearly $80 million in grants to increase access to HIV/AIDS care across the United States. The funding will ensure that low-income people living with HIV/AIDS continue to have access to life-saving health care and medications. “The entire Administration is dedicated to fulfilling President Obama’s goal of an AIDS free generation and today’s announcement is one more step in that ongoing effort,” Secretary Sebelius said. “These grants will help make a real difference in the lives of Americans living with HIV/AIDS, especially those in underserved communities.”

Approximately $69 million will be sent to 25 states and territories through the Ryan White AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP), and based on estimates provided by the states, will eliminate any waiting lists. The more than $10 million remaining will be distributed to Ryan White community-based health clinics nationwide to expand access to 14,000 new patients for essential medical and support services for people living with HIV/AIDS. A portion of this funding was made available through the Affordable Care Act.

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