Main | Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Scott Lively Vs. Ugandan Activists

Al Jazeera has posted a 33-minute debate between vile hate group leader Scott Lively and the head of Sexual Minorities Uganda, who is suing Lively for crimes against humanity in a Massachusetts court. The show aired live on Al Jazeera English and includes a running on-screen Twitter commentary from those on both sides of the issue. Lively, who has written a book claiming that the Nazi Party was founded and run by gay men, spews his usual despicable lies and whines that the show's producers have crowded the program with pro-gay speakers. Still, the program is worth watching and I recommend you make time for it.

RELATED: In addition to accusations that he and other American evangelists spurred the creation of Uganda's proposed gay death penalty, Lively has called for gay people to be forced into "reparative therapy" or be imprisoned. Lively has been offered a free defense in the above-cited lawsuit by the hate group Liberty Counsel.

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